Leila Godden is a contemporary painter specialising in seascapes and abstract paintings using acrylics.
Her seascapes explore the vast panorama of changing light, dramatic weather and powerful water, framed by rocks solid with history, yet transient with time and the rhythm of the earth. Brought up on the coast, this environment has a deep resonance within her.
During 2020 she spent more time in her garden resulting in a series of abstract paintings quite different to her seascapes. Her limited palette was abandoned for a vibrancy inspired by sunlight on petals. Moments of joy in an uncertain world. From this experimentation something else evolved. Something less easy to define. Elements are pared back, inviting space into the composition. The shapes and gestural marks have been allowed to form and settle.
Her art is intended to evoke a visceral response in you, the viewer, something deeper than just “seeing”. Perhaps it taps into a memory or feeling personal to you. Beyond words but sensed and understood.
Based near Lewes in East Sussex, she exhibits in London with the Free Painters and Sculptors (FPS) and is represented by Signet Contemporary Art, Chelsea and Bell Fine Art, Winchester along with its sister gallery London Contemporary Art. Her work has been selected for ING Discerning Eye and the Society of Women Artists (SWA) at the Mall Galleries in London, The Royal West of England Academy in Bristol and C24 Gallery in New York City.